What does America have that people want? Freedom. What gives people the opportunity for a brighter future? Education. I find it heart breaking that when a state needs budget control, education is the first to go. Scott Walker is not the only politician to neglect education. I grew up in Minnesota and a lot of what I heard about during elections growing up was about budget cuts to public schools. I hate to mention my sustainability class once again, but it has taught me something that I find important in thinking of anything. It taught me to look into the future. What is taking money from education really going to do in the future? Sure, it is a quick fix solution to the budget issue at hand. However, does that really justify belittling the peoples education. We all pay taxes. I pay taxes gladly blindly knowing they are going towards things the state provides me with. I say blindly because it is what I am told and I do not physically see where my money is going. Hopefully it is going towards things like, roads, education, health, and protection. I do not pay taxes so that these rich, "daddy's money" senators and politicians can drive the brand new car, so that they can eat out at high class restaurants, and have multi-million dollar homes with a lake house. Then to have them vote on taking more money from us (our education) so they can keep these things and fix the budget. I guess I do not know exactly how much a senator or congressman makes. It would be interesting to see how much they make in a year compared to their hours, next to a teachers pay check. As far as Wisconsin's education, and going to a public college, I feel as though I am learning every day. I have never felt cheated out of my money except the occasional movie day or teacher sick day. Does taking money away really make teachers work harder? "Lets piss off the people who give us a chance to make a living so we learn nothing and feed into a vicious cycle of poor education". Sounds great to me. Teachers do not get into teaching to make money. They do it because they care about it. If society was truelly given a far chance at education it would create a much more intense competition in the work world. What if everyone was given the perfect education? What would welfare be life? Would we have an issue with Health care as much?
This is me talking, and I will admit I am not well educated in the sense of politics and how they work. I even accidentally called Scott Walker, Paul Walker in this post. This is just how I feel with what we have been talking about in class.
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